
iqqtv appoints Michael Day as its new Head of IT

iqqtv appoints Michael Day as its new Head of IT Added 18/5/2023

iqqtv is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Day as its new Head of IT.Michael will lead the formation of a Group IT function aimed at developing iqqtv’s digitalisation initiatives.

Michael first started working with computers in the oil exploration industry. He also gained over 1,500 flying hours in a Lockheed P3 Orion as an Electronic Warfare Operator for the US Navy. Recently, Michael has been working at Northrup Grumman assisting with the Cutlass Program, building bomb disposal robots for the MOD.

Tony Upton, CEO of iqqtv said:

 “The iqqtv team are looking forward to working with Michael as we continue to invest and add new capabilities to support our growth plans.”

Michael added:

 “I’m thrilled to be leading the IT team at iqqtv at what is an exciting time as we continue our digital transformation for operational excellence.”



iqqtv appoints Michael Day as its new Head of IT

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